Lasvegaspi’s Weblog

Just another weblog Private Investigator Wins National Publicity Cyber-Sleuthing for Celebrities

By the Denver Private Investigator Blog

COLORADO SPRINGS — A Colorado private investigator is attracting boatloads of national press by identifying emailers and conducting other cyber-stalking investigations for a wide range of clients, including celebrities.Ed Opperman of

Ed Opperman of recently investigated the origin of an e-mail complaining about one of the producers of shock-jock radio talker Howard Stern. The case made national headlines, and it’s far from the only time Opperman has worked for celebrities.

Opperman offered some insights into his cyber-sleuthing in a recent e-interview with the Denver Private Investigator Blog.

Private Investigator Blog: What is your background as a PI? What types of cases did you work most often?

Opperman: I worked as an information broker in the 80’s and made a good name for myself. I got hired by PIs in NYC to do organized crime cases. Went on to do other things, then teamed up with some retired NYC cops in 2000 to do employment screening for UPS. Then I branched out into full-service PI work. Now I mostly do cyber-stalking investigations, computer and cell phone forensics to recover data in infidelity cases. I also invented a search to trace email address back to online dating services to catch people cheating online.

Private Investigator Blog: Why are you based in Colorado?

Opperman: I like the licensing laws, tax rates, climate, small town feel, inexpensive labor and rents.

Private Investigator Blog: What career path led you to form your current business?

Opperman: I went to school for paralegal studies, I worked for licensed investigators in NYC as an information broker and then in the telecommunications field. I expanded that into my cell phone forensics and email tracing. I partnered with retired LEO to do employment screening, but then took advantage of my experience in telecommunications to do email tracing.

Private Investigator Blog: How do you promote your business?

Opperman: Article writing, word of mouth, referrals. I don’t advertise at all. Most of my clients come to me from PIs or lawyers I worked with in NYC 25 years ago. I have a good reputation among my fellow investigators and law firms. I try to promote my business to professionals in the business for a flat rate fee.

Private Investigator Blog: You seem to attract a lot of the celebrity clients, and then you promote what you do for them on your web site. How do you attract them? And how do you get their permission to use them in your company promotional materials? Among the celebrity clients that you ask for permission to cite in your company’s promotional materials, what percentage turn you down?

Opperman: I fell into that. I did a few jobs for some high profile clients and word gets around. My biggest cases have never been publicized. But more recently in the Tiger Woods case I was retained by a talent agent/manager and all her jobs are for public release. The jobs are designed to be press-released. I never ask for permission to press- release a job. Those jobs that get press releases come to me initially as jobs that are intended for press-release.

I have worked and I am working for some other celebrity/political cases that I would never dream of press-releasing or ever asking to press release. In fact if you notice there are jobs I’ve done, like the one you initially contacted me about [regarding Howard Stern], that are widely reported in the press already but I have never press released.

I’ve also had several very high profile celebrity cases that were initially meant for press release but after the investigation, the results were not suitable for public release.

Private Investigator Blog: Are celebrities good clients? Are they more demanding than your “regular” clients?

Opperman: I work through the agent/ managers so it’s no different than working for a lawyer. In my opinion they are less difficult than lawyers. LOL I’ve consulted with many celebrities directly mostly in pre-litigation but all my consultations in those instances have been very friendly and amicable.

Private Investigator Blog: Without giving away proprietary information, tells us what you can about how you obtain the information you provide your clients The common understanding is that in order to get an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to provide the name of the owner/user of an email address, you have to have a subpoena. Do you get around that somehow, or do you simply provide the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer from which an email was sent? What do you tell your clients who want more?

Opperman: I never request information from an ISP unless it’s with a subpoena. But that’s not the only way to obtain information from an email address. I have my own database. I have access to many databases but I also have ways of contacting the e-mailer or luring them into traps that will reveal their identity. In fact the Howard Stern case was a very simple trace. If they had not mentioned on the air that I was tracing the email it would have been very easy to identify him. At the same time I was doing the exact same job for a city attorney in a California and it only took a few days to ID the e-mailer. The investigations were identical.

Your question is based on the misconception that identifying the person behind an email address begins and ends with an examination and trace of the e-mail header. I could talk about this for hours and hours. There is much more to an email trace investigation than just a header trace or examination.

Private Investigator Blog: Are there any limitations on what you can obtain with respect to emails and email users/owners? In other words, what do you have to tell your clients that you CANNOT get?

Opperman: Of course. There’s no guarantee. It’s an investigation like any other investigation. In fact I turn down or reverse many clients every week. Some cases are impossible and not worth wasting time. If I cannot get enough information to return a report then it’s a not a hit. If I return a report and they need further investigation or consultation with LEO or their attorney then I bill hourly. For instance in the Howard Stern case, I was able to prove the e-mail was only created a few minutes before it was sent and then I was able to trace it back to a city computer. So now that’s enough to report to the city and have it complete the investigation without contacting the ISP with a subpoena. But that’s just one example of how this kind of investigation is completed with successful results.

Private Investigator Blog: What do you like most about your work as a PI?

Opperman: I like helping people in trouble. If you look at my Facebook you’ll see people thanking me for helping to reunite their family. I like locating or identifying cyber stalkers after the clients have been told it was impossible. I’ve located run away kids, non-custodial child abductions. That kind of investigation is very satisfying.

Private Investigator Blog: What do you hate most about your work as a PI?

Opperman: I don’t like the billing and collections and clerical work on that end. I enjoy the investigation, finding information but I don’t like to have to ask for more money. I try to keep all my services at a flat fee. Then leave it to the client to request further work. I think that’s fair.

EmailRevealer in the news!

May 7, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | Leave a comment Recovers Cell Phone Texts Messages in Tiger Woods Case

Dec 02, 2010– December 3, 2010 – When the Tiger Woods scandal first hit the news, the story became headline news around the world. The first woman linked to Woods was Rachel Uckitel who, after turning to high profile attorney Gloria Alred, reportedly received a multi-million dollar settlement from the Golfers camp to keep her silence. After that, women were coming out of the woodwork in droves claiming they had relations with the golf star.Many of these women turned to Hollywood insider Gina Rodriguez of DD Entertainment for representation. However it soon became apparent that not all of these women were credible and some may have just been out looking for 15 minutes of fame.

That’s where the infidelity scandal took a high tech turn. The management team for the Tiger Woods Mistresses turned to Opperman Investigations Inc. of to examine the various cell phones of the self proclaimed mistresses. was able to perform forensic examinations on the phones to recover deleted text messages and images. The results of this high tech investigation was used to either validate or disprove the ladies allegations of having relationships with Mr woods.

According to Ed Opperman, the owner of, “This [cellular forensic investigation] case was a little different than most because instead of being hired by a spouse that’s the victim of infidelity, we were hired by the mistresses side to demonstrate the cheating had occurred.”

Opperman’s website,¸ describes his cellular forensics services as a way to replace detailed cell phone billing records to investigate infidelity. While lacking the ties to ( infidelity investigations, the information retrieved from a cellular forensics investigation exceeds a simple inbound and outbound call log, and these investigations work on a variety of hand-held and mobile devices. Opperman continues, “Just about every kind of handheld digital device can be examined and all kinds of deleted data can be recovered…deleted images, SMS messages, voice mails, GPS…and more.”

Email Revealer’s digital forensics services are not limited to cellular phone data recovery, however. Alongside restoring deleted cell phone data, their computer hard drive data recovery services can retrieve previously deleted files, documents, browser histories, and images from a computer’s hard drive.

Contact Details:

Opperman Investigations Inc
Suite 171 Independence Plaza
1001 16th Street B-180
Denver Co 80265
Phone: 888 775 7149

EmailRevealer In The News: Recovers Cell Phone Texts Messages in Tiger Woods Case

December 3, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | Leave a comment Online Infidelity Investigations Can Help When You Notice the Signs of Cheating In The News! Online Infidelity Investigations Can Help When You Notice the Signs of Cheating

For most people, the signs of cheating are not very hard to miss. However, for individuals that have never had to worry about such things, the signs may not be so easy to notice. Some of the most common signs that are most often noticed and are generally associated with a partner that has cheating on the mind include coming home late at night, lack of interest in sex, being disinterested in activities with the family, spending lots of their extra time on the computer, and deleting data from their cell phone. No person should ever have to go through the pain, confusion, and frustration that occur when a spouse or partner is cheating. Sadly, this is a reality that happens to people every single day.

If your partner has been acting much different than usual and you have started to notice the signs of cheating, consult with an expert private investigator from that has experience in performing an online infidelity investigation. This service is the perfect answer for individuals that believe their spouse has taken social networking sites and other places on the web such as dating sites, way too seriously. Social networking sites can be a great place to converse with family members and friends, but unfortunately there are many people that use websites like MySpace and Facebook to meet other individuals that they would like to have an affair with. If this is the activity that you suspect your partner to be engaging in and you notice the signs of cheating, an online infidelity investigation can reveal some very helpful information that will either prove or disprove the suspicions that you are having.

All it takes to check up on the online activities of your spouse or partner is an email address. Then the investigator will search through numerous sites such as porn, escort, dating, fetish, and a variety of social networking sites that your partner may be registered on. Once the information is obtained, you will be sent links to the sites that have their registration. There is no need to waste your time and devotion with a cheating husband, wife, girlfriend, or boyfriend. Consult with an experienced private investigator at as soon as you notice the signs of cheating. In a matter of just a few short days you will be informed of the activities of your partner once the online infidelity investigation has been performed and completed.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit, his dating service search website if you need to catch a cheater. We offer online infidelity investigations, reverse email searches,computer and cell phone forensics. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: —>
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October 28, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment

Top Ten Reasons to Become an Affiliate Marketer

Did you know that many top affiliate marketers are exceptionally successful in their online endeavors because they market unique niche programs? They do this to highly diminish or well nigh eliminate competition and make more money in the process.
The online investigation niche is just one of those unique niches that deliver incredibly targeted interest and equally incredible earnings potential. Here then are 10 reasons why joining the E-mail Revealer affiliate program could benefit your bottom line.

1. is a credible company with an established online presence in investigation encompassing online infidelity investigation, cyber investigations and more. A Google search of relative terms for this business will net you concrete information on their solid reputation. You’ll have no doubt that you’re dealing with a highly regarded, trustworthy company.

2. Ed Opperman, owner of E-mail Revealer, is involved in not only the day-to-day operation of this investigative business but is also personally available to answer and attend to client questions and needs. He is in it for the long haul; unlike so many others that have disappeared within a few months of beginning on and offline investigative operations.

3. The advent of the Internet presents the investigative field with untold making money opportunities. Cheating spouses, the need to locate lost loved ones and cyber crimes has given rise to creating this lucrative affiliate program.

4. Joining EmailRevealer is quick and easy. You’ll receive approval within minutes after you apply and can start making money right away.

5. The 10% commission rate offered is generous and provides substantial income opportunity that can conceivably outdistance that of information products. Dealing with larger ticket items make this possible.

6. offers an attractive 30-day cookie that tracks visitors to your affiliate site. When they return and purchase services you’ll get paid.

7. Payment to you is via PayPal, the most common and trusted payment processor on the Internet today.

8. Notification emails are sent to you every time you make a sale. Imagine the super motivation you’ll experience to make more sales whenever you receive one of these.

9. Check you stats and sales figures whenever you’d like from your carefully guarded password protected, members only area.

10. Make unlimited income at the speed of your life with this worldwide affiliate program.
These 10 reasons to join Ed Opperman over at as an affiliate are your ticket to the life you’ve dreamed of having. If you would like to make money in this highly active income producing niche, this is definitely one to check out.

February 23, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment

Reverse Email Search Terms

Email Tracing

Confused about all of the technical elements of email technology, such as IP addresses, how to perform an email trace, or what exactly email tracking is? This short primer should help clear up any confusion you have about email technology.

Email Tracing

Email tracing has become a popular topic these days. An email trace is a method utilized by internet users to find out the identity of an account holder. By simply plugging the email address into a quick and easy search engine, within seconds, one can obtain the name and other relevant information associated with the email address. This may sound a little scary to people who adore email for its anonymity and easy access to privacy. However, this can be very useful for people who desperately need to obtain the information of a person, or people who would like to bust a pesky scammer or pest.

Email Tracking

Email tracking is the practice of monitoring the progression of an email from your outbox to the recipient’s inbox. This methodology informs you of the recipient’s IP address, in addition to the exact time when they received your message and opened it. This technology is basically the digital equivalent of monitoring a package you send as it makes its way to its eventual destination.

Email tracking technology can be extremely useful for people who wish to keep tabs on an important message, or double check to make sure that it has actually reached its recipient. Email tracking can also help companies and people who are sending promotional emails in figuring out just how many people are actually reading their messages.

However, some believe that email tracking is a large violation of privacy, since it allows senders to closely monitor what their recipients are doing with their messages, and the technology also informs them of what specific times the recipients logged onto their account. Others argue that this technology is completely acceptable, since it is not necessarily revealing a significant amount of personal information to those who employ this method.

IP Addresses

You may think that the only important address you possess is the one that identifies the location of your home. In actuality, your IP address, or “Internet Protocol” address, is your virtual address. It is a long number that is one hundred percent unique to you, and it cannot be duplicated or copied. People may resent IP addresses, since even the most well-intentioned of people appreciate the privacy and complete anonymity that the internet provides. However, an IP address aids in helping law enforcement track down people who wish to engage in harmful or abusive practices online. Law abiding citizens do not need to worry about being harassed via their IP address.

Email Headers

Email headers contain all of the information that you see before the actual body of the email. These header lines show you who sent an email, who received it, and at what time on what day. Email headers can be useful to people who would like to organize their emails manually, as well as for those who want to know exactly what time an email was sent. Most modern email clients make accessing email headers quite simple. The subject of an email is also considered to be an aspect of email headers.

If you need help with a reverse email search investigation visit

February 6, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment’s Digital Forensics Services Catch Cheaters using Cell Phones, Computers

Henderson, Nevada – In a time when cheaters use technology to facilitate, and obscure, their extramarital activity, technology has also taken steps to uncover what the unfaithful attempt to hide. Email Revealer, an online investigation service operating at, now offers their customers the option to recover deleted data from cell phones and computers through their digital forensics services. Data retrieved through the computer and ( cellular forensics services may be used to prove cases of infidelity, to replace detailed cell phone billing records, and to recover data previously thought to have been deleted from a computer or handheld mobile device.

Retrieving cell phone data, particularly usage records, can prove to be beneficial when one is trying to identify extramarital activity. However, due to legal restrictions and privacy laws, consumers are not generally able to retrieve detailed billing or usage data for cell phones when their name is not on the billing account. This is why Email Revealer’s new cellular forensics services can be helpful in infidelity investigations.

According to Ed Opperman, the owner of, “This [cellular forensic investigation] is an excellent legal alternative to cell phone billing records, which are now illegal to obtain. Plus, with a cellular forensics report, you can receive more information than a billing record would [provide], such as deleted text messages and images.”

Opperman’s website,¸ describes his cellular forensics services as a way to replace detailed cell phone billing records. While lacking the ties to ( infidelity investigations, the information retrieved from a cellular forensics investigation exceeds a simple inbound and outbound call log, and these investigations work on a variety of handheld and mobile devices. Opperman continues, “Just about any type of hand held digital device can be examined and all kinds of deleted data can be recovered… deleted images, SMS messages, caller ID history…and more.”

Email Revealer’s digital forensics services are not limited to mobile device data recovery, however. Alongside restoring deleted cell phone data, their hard disk data recovery services can retrieve previously deleted files, documents, histories, chat logs, and images from a computer’s hard drive.

Email Revealer is an online investigation service that specializes in investigating extramarital activity. In addition to their computer and cell phone forensics services, Email Revealer provides personal ad investigations, porn and escort website investigations, marriage and divorce records searches, and dating service investigation.

For more information on Email Revealer’s digital forensics services, visit

Ed Opperman
PO Box 777381
Henderson, NV 89077
Phone: 888-775-7149
Email: EmailRevealer ( @ ) aol dot com

January 17, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment

Finding Information With a Reverse Email Search

On the surface, an email address may not appear to provide much insight into the person behind that email address. However, in many cases, even a seemingly non-descriptive email address can provide a wealth of information about the person who uses it. Here is some of the information that you can receive from a reverse email search, and some tips on how you can perform your own, albeit limited, reverse email lookups.

Reverse email search
– available information

Much like your full name, your email address can say a lot about you. This can be good or bad, depending on how you look at it. While your email address may appear non-descript and innocuous on the surface, it can, unfortunately, be an investigative nightmare waiting to happen if somebody is trying to find out information on you.

Some of the information that may come available during a reverse email search includes:

* Their ISP or internet service provider
* Their place of work or business
* Their full name, address, or other contact information
* Their internet usage habits – websites that they visit or have accounts at
* Their friends, family members, or associates
* Organizations they are affiliated with or associations they belong to

Especially for those who use the internet frequently — for work or play — it is usually relatively easy to locate information about this type of person based on their email address alone.

DIY reverse email search tips

While in-depth and detailed results from an email lookup can usually only be found through the help of a professional reverse email lookup service, you may be able to find a bit of information about a person behind an email address yourself. Quite simply, if you can use a search engine, you can perform your own limited reverse email research. Here’s how you can do that.

Step 1 – take apart the email address

Email addresses are made up of two parts — the username and the domain name, and a valid email address is in the format of For simple reverse email lookups, you’ll want to concentrate on the username, or sometimes called the handle, portion of the email address. In many cases, this part of the email address alone is enough to help you identify some information about the person who uses the email address.

See, when most people create email addresses, they tend to use a username that represents them. They’ll use their full name, parts of their name like firstname last initital or last name first initial, or they’ll use a username that they use in other locations online. Seldom will the average person create an email address that isn’t somehow directly tied to them as an individual or business.

Step 2 – use a search engine to search for their username

To potentially locate information on this person, you just need to search for their username in a search engine. For example, if you want to perform a reverse email search on, you’ll want to search for ‘hopper9010’ in Google or another major search engine. While this is a very simplified version of how to perform a reverse email lookup yourself, sometimes it is this easy to find out some basic information on a person behind an email address.

Reverse email search services can provide a lot of information about the person behind the email address. However, unless you’re just looking for basic information, you’ll probably need the help of a reverse email investigation service to get you a full range of details on the email address your curious about.

January 16, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment